COSPAR Capacity-Building Workshop - International Reference Ionosphere


Modeling the ionosphere over Africa and improvements of the International Reference Ionosphere


From 2nd – 13th September 2024


Pwani University, Kilifi, Kenya

COSPAR Capacity-Building Workshop
2 - 13 September

This COSPAR Capacity Building Workshop combines a week of lectures, tutorials, and project work for students with a week- long IRI Workshop. The project work continues during the IRI Workshop week and the students will be able to attend and present their work during the IRI Workshop. The lectures and interactive tutorials will teach the students the basics and current developments regarding monitoring, modeling, and predicting the variations of Earth ionosphere. Interactive tutorials will introduce students to related online data bases and model interfaces. The students will work in groups of five on a specific ionospheric modelling problem. Each group will have one of the lecturers as adviser and will benefit form the expertise of the other lecturers as well.


IRI 2024 Workshop
9 -13 September

The International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) is an international project sponsored by the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and the International Union of Radio Science (URSI). These organizations formed a Working Group in the late sixties to produce an empirical standard model of the ionosphere, based on all available data sources. Several steadily improved editions of the model have been released. For given location, time and date, IRI provides monthly averages of the electron density, electron temperature, ion temperature, and ion composition in the ionospheric altitude range. The IRI Workshop is open to all interested scientists. We welcome presentations that are IRI-related including comparisons of ground- and space-based data with IRI, improvements and applications of the model, and assimilation of data into IRI to bring it closer to real-time conditions.

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